Mastering LeetCode Problems: A Beginner's Approach

Tips and Strategies for Beginners to Ace LeetCode Problems and Excel in Coding Interviews"

As a software engineering student, you understand the importance of mastering coding interviews and one of the best ways to do that is through the LeetCode platform. However, it's not always easy to approach these problems. You might wonder when to see hints, how to use your time efficiently, or whether to look up solutions on YouTube or other resources. In this blog post, we’ll discuss a student’s approach to solving LeetCode problems.

The Diagrammatic Approach

Drawing diagrams or creating examples before coding is an effective way to understand the problem and come up with a solution. When we approach a coding problem, we often have a general idea of what we need to do, but we may not know the specifics. Creating diagrams helps us visualize the problem and identify edge cases that we might have overlooked.

For example, consider a problem where we need to find the shortest path between two points on a map. We can start by drawing a map and marking the two points. Then, we can start drawing possible routes between them and see which one is the shortest. This approach helps us break down the problem into smaller pieces and identify the critical steps needed to solve it.

Another example of using diagrams is for data structures like trees or graphs. When we are given a problem that involves a tree or a graph, creating a visual representation of it helps us understand the problem and come up with a solution. By drawing the tree or graph, we can identify the root, branches, and nodes, and visualize the relationships between them.

Moreover, a diagrammatic approach is useful for identifying patterns and relationships within a problem. For instance, we can draw a table to keep track of variables or their values in different states of the program. This table can help us identify patterns in the data and come up with a more efficient solution.

Overall, a diagrammatic approach allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the problem at hand and come up with more efficient and elegant solutions. It's an effective way to approach coding problems, and it's a skill that is highly valued in the software engineering industry.


When it comes to hints, it's essential to approach them strategically. It's essential to give yourself enough time to try and solve the problem on your own before turning to hints. If you jump straight to the hints, you miss out on the chance to develop your problem-solving skills and learn from your mistakes.

It's essential to read the problem description thoroughly before attempting to solve the problem. Understanding the problem requirements and constraints is essential in coming up with an effective solution. Then, try some examples to make sure you understand the problem completely.

If you're stuck, don't be afraid to ask for help. Seek hints from the LeetCode's hint tab itself or the online community, like Stack Overflow or any discord server. However, it's important not to rely too heavily on them. Use them as a guide, not as a crutch. If you need hints, try to understand the reasoning behind them and how they relate to the problem. This way, you can learn new techniques and problem-solving strategies that you can use in the future.

In addition, it's essential to learn how to use hints effectively. There's no point in getting hints if you don't know how to apply them. Try to break down the problem into smaller pieces, and then apply the hints to each piece. This way, you can develop your problem-solving skills and apply them systematically and efficiently.

Finally, it's important to use the hints section as a learning opportunity. Don't be discouraged if you can't solve a problem right away. Instead, view it as an opportunity to learn new techniques and strategies. With practice and persistence, you'll become more adept at solving coding problems and develop a better understanding of programming concepts.

In summary, using hints effectively is an essential part of mastering coding interviews. It's important to give yourself enough time to attempt the problem on your own before turning to hints. Seek hints strategically, and use them as a guide, not as a crutch. Finally, view the hints section as a learning opportunity and a chance to improve your problem-solving skills.


Time management is critical when solving LeetCode problems. It's essential to be mindful of the time you spend on each problem and to use your time efficiently. The time constraints on coding interviews can be quite strict, so practicing time management is key to success.

One strategy is to use the timer function on the LeetCode platform. Set a timer for yourself, and try to solve the problem within the time constraints of an actual interview. This will help you practice working under pressure and improve your efficiency.

It's important to note that some problems may require a brute-force approach, while others may require more advanced algorithms or data structures. Being mindful of the time you spend on each problem can help you choose the right approach and avoid wasting time on an inefficient solution.

If you get stuck on a problem, don't spend too much time trying to solve it. It's better to move on to the next problem and come back to it later. This way, you can maximize your chances of solving as many problems as possible within the time constraints.

Another way to manage your time effectively is to prioritize the problems you attempt. Start with the easier problems and work your way up to the more difficult ones. This will help you build your confidence and momentum and give you a better chance of solving more challenging problems later on.

Finally, don't forget to take breaks. It's important to take breaks regularly to avoid burnout and maintain your focus. Take a few minutes to stretch, walk around, or just relax before returning to the problems.

In summary, time management is essential when solving LeetCode problems. Use the timer function to practice working under pressure and improve your efficiency. Prioritize the problems you attempt and don't waste too much time on a single problem. Take breaks regularly to avoid burnout and maintain your focus. With good time management skills, you'll be able to approach coding interviews with confidence and maximize your chances of success.

Looking the Solutions

Sometimes the problem seems impossible to solve, so instead of giving up on the problem we can utilize the YouTube channels that upload the solutions and make sure not to only solve the problems solved by the particular channel only. Which can make us dependent on that YouTube channel itself and will not help to increase critical and logical thinking.

Looking up solutions on YouTube or other resources can be a helpful way to learn new techniques and approaches for solving LeetCode problems. However, it's important to use these resources responsibly and avoid becoming too dependent on them.

One way to use these resources effectively is to attempt to solve the problem on your own first. This way, you can practice your problem-solving skills and build your confidence. If you get stuck or feel like you're not making progress, you can then turn to these resources for help.

When using these resources, be sure to choose reputable sources and follow along with the explanations carefully. Take the time to understand the concepts and techniques being presented, rather than just copying the code.

It's important to avoid becoming too dependent on these resources. If you're always looking up solutions, you're not really learning how to solve the problem on your own. This can be a problem during coding interviews, where you won't have access to external resources.

A good way to balance using external resources with developing your problem-solving skills is to limit your use of these resources. For example, you could set a rule for yourself that you'll only look up solutions after you've attempted a problem for a certain amount of time, or after you've made a certain amount of progress on your own.

Another way to limit your dependence on external resources is to use them as a learning tool rather than a crutch. Take the time to understand the techniques and approaches being presented, and try to apply them to other problems on your own.

In summary, looking up solutions on YouTube or other resources can be a helpful way to learn new techniques and approaches for solving LeetCode problems. However, it's important to use these resources responsibly and avoid becoming too dependent on them. Try to solve the problem on your own first, and limit your use of external resources to avoid hindering your problem-solving skills.


Consistency is key when it comes to any kind of learning or skill-building, and mastering LeetCode problems is no different. It's important to make problem-solving a regular part of your routine, whether that means dedicating a specific time each day or week to working on problems or committing to a certain number of problems each week.

When you consistently work on LeetCode problems, you'll find that you become more comfortable with the types of problems you'll encounter in coding interviews. You'll also develop a better understanding of common data structures and algorithms, and you'll be able to recognize patterns and solutions more quickly.

Consistency can also help you track your progress over time. You can keep a record of the problems you've solved and the ones that you're still struggling with, and use this information to focus your future practice sessions. By consistently working on problems, you'll be able to identify areas where you need to improve and make a plan to address those weaknesses.

Another benefit of consistency is that it can help you stay motivated. When you set a regular practice schedule and stick to it, you're less likely to get discouraged by difficult problems or setbacks. You'll be able to see the progress you're making over time, which can be incredibly motivating and help you stay focused on your goals.

In summary, consistency is a critical component of mastering LeetCode problems. By making problem-solving a regular part of your routine, you'll become more comfortable with the types of problems you'll encounter in coding interviews, develop a better understanding of data structures and algorithms, track your progress over time, and stay motivated to achieve your goals.


Taking breaks is also an important aspect of mastering LeetCode problems. While it's important to be consistent with your practice, it's equally important to avoid burnout by taking breaks and giving your mind and body time to rest.

When you take breaks, you allow your brain to process the information you've been working on and consolidate your learning. This can help you solve problems more effectively in the long run. Additionally, taking breaks can help you avoid getting stuck on a problem for too long and becoming frustrated or discouraged.

It's a good idea to schedule regular breaks into your practice sessions, whether that means taking a short walk, doing some stretches, or simply stepping away from your computer for a few minutes. You can also take longer breaks after completing a set of problems or after a particularly challenging problem. During these breaks, try to engage in activities that help you relax and recharge, such as reading a book, listening to music, or spending time with friends and family.

In addition to taking breaks during practice sessions, it's also important to take a longer break once a week or after solving a certain number of problems. This allows you to fully disconnect from the intensity of practicing and to give your mind and body time to recharge.

Taking a longer break can help prevent burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance. It also allows you to pursue other interests, spend time with loved ones, or simply relax and recharge. When you return to practicing after a longer break, you may find that you have renewed energy and focus, which can help you approach problems with a fresh perspective.

It's important to note that taking a longer break doesn't mean you're slacking off or not committed to your goals. Taking breaks can improve your productivity and help you achieve your goals more effectively in the long run. It's all about finding the right balance between consistent practice and taking time to rest and recharge.

In conclusion, taking regular breaks during practice sessions and longer breaks once a week or after a certain number of problems is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and preventing burnout. By prioritizing self-care and finding the right balance between practice and rest, you can improve your problem-solving skills, maintain your motivation, and achieve your goals with greater ease and success.

By taking breaks, you can avoid burnout, stay motivated, and approach LeetCode problems with a fresh perspective. Remember, mastering coding interviews is a long-term goal, and it's important to take care of yourself along the way.

Easy, Medium, Hard

Another important aspect to consider when approaching LeetCode problems is the concept of difficulty levels. LeetCode categorizes problems into three categories: easy, medium, and hard. Each category requires a different level of problem-solving skills and knowledge of algorithms and data structures.

It's important not to only focus on easy problems since you won't learn much from them. At the same time, don't get demotivated if you find medium or hard problems too challenging. The key is to strike a balance between practicing problems that challenge you and practicing problems that you can solve relatively easily.

A good approach is to start by practicing easy problems to get familiar with the platform and build your problem-solving skills. Once you feel comfortable with the easy problems, move on to medium problems to challenge yourself and learn new concepts. When you start practicing medium problems, don't worry if you can't solve them immediately, take time to analyze the problem, and try to identify the core concept needed to solve the problem. Once you understand the core concept, you can try applying it to similar problems.

Finally, once you feel comfortable with medium problems, move on to hard problems. Don't get discouraged if you can't solve them immediately, they are hard for a reason. Take the time to break down the problem and understand the core concepts involved. Consider using hints and explanations to understand the problem better. Keep in mind that solving hard problems takes time and practice, so don't give up easily.

Usually going with 3 easy 5 medium and 3 hard problems for a concept is considered the sweet spot for an efficient and balanced LeetCode grind. However, it can vary from person to person and is also a concept that you are solving. Problem solving should always start from the easy problems in my opinion.

In conclusion, practicing a mix of easy, medium, and hard problems is essential to improve your problem-solving skills and prepare for coding interviews. Start with easy problems to build your skills and confidence, move on to medium problems to challenge yourself and learn new concepts, and finally, tackle hard problems to further enhance your skills and prepare for the toughest coding interviews.


It's also important to keep track of the problems you've solved and the solutions you've used. Maintaining a record of the problems you've solved can help you revisit them in the future and understand the approach you took to solve them. So whenever you revisit a problem and are unable to solve the problem instead of going through all the steps you have already covered you can just look at your notes and understand the solution which is very useful in the long run.

Creating notes of the problems you've solved and the solutions you've used can be helpful in multiple ways. Firstly, it can serve as a reference for future problems that may require similar concepts or algorithms. Secondly, it can help you revise the concepts you've learned in the past. By revisiting your notes, you can refresh your memory on how to solve a particular problem and the approaches you used to solve it.

Another benefit of maintaining notes is that it can help you track your progress over time. You can identify areas where you're strong and areas where you need to focus more. You can also compare your performance on similar problems and see how you've improved over time.

Lastly, keeping track of your problem-solving journey can be a motivating factor. Looking back at the problems you've solved and the progress you've made can be a source of motivation to keep going and tackle more challenging problems.

In conclusion, maintaining notes of the problems you've solved and the solutions you've used is a valuable practice when working on LeetCode problems. It can help you revisit problems in the future, revise past concepts, track your progress, and serve as a motivating factor.

Making a Community

Another useful tip for mastering LeetCode problems is to form a small community of like-minded individuals whether they are from your college or any bigger community. You can create a group of fellow students or developers who are also working on LeetCode problems, share your progress with them, and discuss your solutions to the problems. This can be a great way to learn from others, get feedback on your solutions, and stay motivated.

Forming a community can also help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses. You can learn from the approaches and solutions of other members of the group, and they can also learn from you. Additionally, discussing your solutions with others can help you to identify potential improvements and optimizations that you might not have thought of on your own.

You can form a community through online forums, social media groups, or even in-person study groups. Collaborating with others can help you stay accountable and motivated, and provide a support system when you encounter challenging problems.

In conclusion, forming a small community of like-minded individuals who are also working on LeetCode problems can be a valuable resource. It can help you to learn from others, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and stay motivated. Consider forming a community and see how it can help you master LeetCode problems.

Participating in Challenges

LeetCode regularly hosts coding challenges that are designed to help users sharpen their skills and compete against other users. These challenges typically involve a set of problems that users must solve within a certain timeframe. The problems are often more difficult than those found in LeetCode's regular problem bank, which can be a great way to challenge yourself and push your problem-solving abilities to the limit.

Participating in coding challenges can be a great way to stay motivated and engaged with LeetCode. By competing against other users, you can get a sense of how your skills stack up against other developers and see how you measure up against your peers. This can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

In addition to providing a sense of competition and motivation, coding challenges can also be a great way to apply your problem-solving skills in a more realistic setting. In coding interviews, you'll often be asked to solve problems within a limited timeframe, and coding challenges can help you get accustomed to this pressure and develop strategies for working efficiently under time constraints.

Finally, participating in coding challenges can also be a great way to build your portfolio and showcase your skills to potential employers. Many employers look for candidates who are not only proficient in coding but also have experience working on real-world problems and competing against other developers. By participating in coding challenges and building up a strong track record of successful solutions, you can demonstrate your skills and increase your chances of landing a great job in the software engineering field.

Overall, participating in coding challenges can be a fantastic way to stay engaged with LeetCode, sharpen your problem-solving skills, and showcase your abilities to potential employers. If you haven't tried participating in one of LeetCode's coding challenges yet, consider giving it a try and seeing how far your skills can take you!

LeetCode is Just One Part of Your Coding Journey

While LeetCode problems are undoubtedly a valuable resource for preparing for coding interviews, it's important to remember that they are just a small part of what makes a successful software engineer. While coding interview questions test your problem-solving skills and understanding of algorithms and data structures, they don't test your ability to work on complex projects that span multiple months or years, or your ability to collaborate with other developers on a team.

Projects are an essential part of your coding journey since they allow you to apply your skills to real-world problems, build systems from scratch, and learn new technologies and frameworks. Moreover, when you work on a project, you develop skills that can't be learned by just solving LeetCode problems, such as project management, time management, communication skills, and working in a team. These skills are invaluable in the software engineering industry, where collaboration and project management are just as important as technical skills.

Therefore, while it's crucial to practice LeetCode problems and prepare for coding interviews, don't forget to work on projects as well. Whether it's building a personal project or contributing to an open-source project, the experience you gain will be valuable in your career as a software engineer.


Enjoy the journey! Solving LeetCode problems can be a challenging and rewarding experience, but it's important to remember that there's more to life than just coding. Make sure to take breaks, relax, and enjoy the other parts of your life as well. Take time to travel, hang out with friends, play video games, watch TV shows or movies, and even touch some grass! These activities will help you recharge and come back to your coding with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Remember, balance is key, and taking care of your mental health and well-being is just as important as excelling in your coding skills. So enjoy the journey, have fun, and don't forget to take breaks!